Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Hey Family,

Sounds like everyone had a good time in Disneyland so that is good. Things here are doing about the same as last week, we just seem to keep finding people that are interested in the Gosple but arent married. It kind of feels like all of our investigators right now need to get married so thatis kind of a bummer but oh well, we can work through that. This last week we went to a little town that is part of the other ward that we cover called Tetla del Volcan, it is a little town that is right up by the Volcano of which i sent a couple pictures before. It is a little town that is about a hour away from where we live and it is a town where there arent really members of the church except a couple and we recieved the name of a member to visit there and when we got there she was super excited to see us. It is a town that is pretty big and it was pretty weird to think that there are so many people there that have never heard of the Gospel that have never heard of the blessings that they can recieve from living the gospel. The problem is that it is a town that is really far away from the church and to go you have to take a conbi (a little bus) which coast 20 pesos to get to church and 20 to get back so 40 pesos for each person to go, so the problem is that is far and then the people there dont really have much work to gain the money to go each week so sadly the member we visited hasnt gone for a while to church. It just reminds me of just how blessed we are to live in an area where the gospel is, where we are able to have the true church so close to where we live. Seeing that little town just remindes me of how much I want to share this message with the people that surround me. Another cool thing that happened last week was that we went and visited a former investigator who my companion taught when he frist got here to the area, and she had know the missionaries for a long time. One of the reasons is that she isnt married (yet again) but the other is she says she just hasnt taken the decision to work towards getting married and then baptised. So my companion told me that when he first went to visit here that she didnt take everything very seriously but when we went back to visit her she told us that she felt that the church was true and they they had decided that her and her husband were going to get married so that was really cool to hear. It is just an example that everyone has there time to accept the gosple and that our work never is in vain that even if it is years later that the people can accept the gospel. Thats pretty much it for last week, time just keeps on flying this is the last week of the transfer I assume that I wont get changed the next week but who knows after the last transfers. Well I hope that everyone has a good week at home and I will write more next week.

Love Elder Bird

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